Marx de Gijzel, van garage Citrogyz in Wateringen, valt voor auto’s met bijzondere, eigenzinnige vormen en lijnen. Als garagehouder restaureert hij ze en houdt hij ze motorisch en technisch op orde. Als kunstenaar gebruikt hij ze als model voor metalen objecten waarin hij de vorm van zijn favoriete auto’s tot de essentie heeft teruggebracht. In […]
Our Latest Models

British Car Parts Fair
Sunday 5th of November between the British Car Parts in Gorinchem. We had a great day meeting lots of people that share the passion for British Classic Cars. Please find some of the pictures taken with our Cellphone. Would you like to meet us again please send us an email to get your invite for […]

Sliced at the JDCH Fair
Today, We joined the Jaguar Daimler Club Holland Fair in Druten. Open to Members and lots of fans. We got such good response about the Oldtimer Artmodels and the printed Jaguar Dibond´s. We had great fun to meet also new fans. Would you like to know about our business and what we can do for […]

Rotterdam Art Fair 2017 at De Onderzeebootloods
Sliced to Dutch and RAC Maserati at the Onderzeebootloods in Rotterdam. A spectacular event coming up from the 29th of March up and including 2nd of April ’17 Please feel free by contacting us if you have any questions about the Oldtimer Artworks with a Dutch Edge by using our contactform below or directly [email protected] […]